Friday, March 19, 2010

She is getting so big!!!

So Brylie is getting so big! She rolled over all on her own yesterday. We just put her on her tummy and she just kicked her leg up and pushed off with her arms and over she went! We have never worked with her on this before and all of a sudden she is showing off! She did it like 5 times in a row! Here is a quick video of her doing it a couple times. :o)

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Ok, I have a TON to write about. It has been forever since I have posted anything, so here it goes.... Brylie Suki Murri arrived on December 10th, 2009 at 1:39pm. She weighed a whopping 6lbs 1oz and was 19 inches long. She was SO tiny! I loved her the second I saw her! I had a very easy labor. I went in to the hospital at 4:00am and and they started me on pit and broke my water at 7:00am and I was 3cm dilated. The contractions started and they didn't hurt at all! Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy because the contracts were going off the scale! After a couple hours of just uncomfortable contractions I decided to get my epidural. Why be in pain if I don't have to!? :) at 10:00am they checked me and I was 6cm dilated and moving a long great! Another 2 hours went by and my Dr came in to check on me and said that I was 9cm and ready to push! YICKS! she said that she would be back in about 30 minutes... and hour and 15 minutes later.. she returns and I start pushing. 3 pushes and my beautiful baby girl was born! It seemed so unreal to me when I got to hold he for the first time. I think I was in shock or something cuz I couldn't even talk. They took her and cleaned her up and Tyson recorded the whole thing. The second that I saw him craddling our daughter in his arms, I lost it! haha. I started to cry. Her little cries made me cry even more because they were so cute! haha.

This is one of my favorite pictures from the day she was born. She is so snuggly! All she wanted to do was jus snuggle into her mama. That's the best feeling in the world! Even now she is still very cuddly and is very content just laying her head on my chest and just sitting quiet. She sleeps with me because I am not ready for her not too yet haha. We are so blessed to have her and Tyson and I can't get enough! And she sure loves her Daddy! While I was on maternity leave and Tyson would come home from work, he would come say hi to her and she would put all her attention on her Daddy just smiling and talkin to him. Tyson would always say that she was tattle telling on me haha. She is definitely a mama's girl tho. Tyson will be holding her and I will be on the other end of the couch and she will hear my voice and look for me. Tyson will try to turn her away from me but she just keeps trying to strain her neck to see her Mommy! I love it! I had no idea what an incredible thing it is to be a mommy. I wouldn't trade anything for it! She is such a happy baby, but she sure has her Daddy's temper haha! Its really funny to watch her get frustrated trying to such on her binkie.

This is the first time Tay and Brylie got to see each other. Tay was just content layin next to her little "sissy"(as Tay calls her). Tay is so good with Brylie. When Brylie cries, Tay is the first one to run to her and try to give her her binkie so she stops crying. She is a great big sister, jsut like we knew she would be. She hasn't really had any problems with sharing the lime light. No jealousy issues or anything. I think that she would rather hang out with her sister then us anyways hehe. :o)

We put Brylie in Tailynn's dollhouse to just how tiny she really is! She is such a good baby! she has the best personality. Always happy and only cries when she's hungry, has a dirty diaper, or wants to sit in her swing. She is obsessed with her swing! She will spend hours in there a day being as happy as can be. She likes to take her long afternoon naps in there. We say thank you to Grandma and Grandpa for getting this!! :o) She is such a good model for me. I try to take as many pictures of her as I can and she never cries while I'm fussing around with her. And she is a champ when it comes to wearing bows. I'm sure it helps that I have put them on her since she was 4 days old hehe. She will thank me when she's older because they cover her cute big ears... that just so happen to by mine and not Tyson's! haha. Tyson says that we have elf ears cuz they are pointy at the top.... Thanks hun! : /

I have been so lucky because she has been sleeping through the night since she was 3 weeks old! Yay! so I never really had sleep deprivation, which I'm sure Tyson is thankful for. haha. She has the best smile and has been cooing for about a month and a half now. It is SO cute! She likes to tell us long stories. And the stories start the second I walk into the door of her babysitter's. The second she sees me she give me a big huge smile and starts her talkin. I like to think that she's tellin me how her day was and how much she missed me. :o) I It is such a good feeling to know that I am that important to her. There is no feeling like it. I couldn't imagine my life without her and am so thankful that Heavenly Father chose me to be her mommy!
I am SO excited because she has my blue eyes!!! Thats all I wanted her to have. I knew that she was going to look like Tyson but I wanted her to have my eyes. Then it looks like I had at least some small part in this haha. They are getting brighter and brighter blue everyday. So I am really excited about that! YAY!

Time definitely goes by so fast! She is already 3 months old now and I don't think I'm ready for it. Pretty soon I am going to blink and she will be a year old. I have enjoyed every moment I get with her! Even on those rare nights where she is really fussy I find myself just being thankful that she is in my life. There is nothing better than being her Mommy! Now I am back at work and missing her terribly! My favorite time of day is 3:30 when I can leave and go pick her up. And when I walk in the door of the nanny's Brylie knows and smiles the second she see's me. Tyson makes fun of me and says that I am obsessed. Honestly! how can I not be?! Look at this face!